Editor Joanna Zylinska

Media art is a space in which the human sensorium can recognise itself as fundamentally entangled with technology. It is also a filter through which urgent socio-political issues can be engaged, mediated and transformed.
The MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW series mobilises the medium of writing as a mode of critical enquiry and aesthetic expression. Its books capture the most original developments in technology-based arts and other forms of creative media: AI and computational arts, gaming, digital and post-digital productions, soft and wet media, interactive and participative arts, open platforms, photography, photomedia and, last but not least, amateur media practice. They convey the urgency of the project via their style, length and mode of engagement. In both length and tone, they sit somewhere between an extended essay and a monograph.
The goal of the series is to recalibrate how we see, hear and feel in the contemporary mediated environment – and to intervene in it, right here right now. It is also to challenge the unified ‘we’ of aesthetic and political experience.
Paperbacks are available for purchase worldwide through most online bookstores.
To contribute to the series, please contact Joanna Zylinska , King’s College, London.
Advisory Board
- Morehshin Allahyari, artist, activist, educator, US
- Mark Amerika, University of Colorado Boulder, US
- Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr, SymbioticA, University of Western Australia, Australia
- Kristoffer Gansing,The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark
- Kenneth Goldsmith, University of Pennsylvania, US
- Asbjørn Grønstad, Bergen University, Norway
- Greg Hainge, University of Queensland, Australia
- Eduardo Kac, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, US
- Ryszard Kluszczyński, University of Łódź, Poland
- Esther Leslie, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
- Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes, 17: Institute of Critical Studies, Mexico
- Gabriel Menotti, Queen’s University, Canada
- Nicholas Mirzoeff, New York University, US
- Kate Mondloch, University of Orgeon, US
- Bo Reimer, Malmo University, Sweden
- Katrina Sluis, Australian National University, Australia
- Cornelia Sollfrank, artist, Germany
- Hito Steyerl, artist, Germany
Image credit: Walter Van Der Mäntzche, Des perturbations sont à prévoir / Disturbances are expected, 2013.