DATA Browser
Editors Geoff Cox and Joasia Krysa

First established in 2004, the DATA browser book series explores new thinking and practice at the intersection of contemporary art, digital culture and politics. The series takes theory or criticism not as a fixed set of tools or practices, but rather as an evolving chain of ideas that recognize the conditions of their own making. The term “browser” is useful here in pointing to the framing device through which data is delivered over information networks and processed by algorithms. Whereas a conventional understanding of browsing suggests surface readings and cursory engagement with the material, the series celebrates the potential of browsing for dynamic rearrangement and interpretation of existing material into new configurations that are open to reinvention.
Combining an active verb and noun in the title as a stylistic device, six edited volumes have been published to date: Economising Culture, Engineering Culture, Curating Immateriality, Creating Insecurity, Disrupting Business, and Executing Practices. Each book includes contributions from established and emerging academics in conventional written forms as well as visual and/or experimental modes.
Previous contributors to the series have included Giorgio Agamben, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Franco Bifo Berardi, Josephine Berry Slater, Konrad Becker, William Bowles, Heath Bunting, Adam Chmielewski, Florian Cramer, Jordan Crandall, Neil Cummings, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Matthew Fuller, Jennifer Gabrys, Alexander R. Galloway, Olga Goriunova, Marina Grzinic, Harwood, Brian Holmes, Yuk Hui, Jaromil, Esther Leslie, Marysia Lewandowska, Geert Lovink, Armin Medosch, Naeem Mohaiemen, Matteo Pasquinelli, Raqs Media Collective, Kate Rich, Oliver Ressler, Trebor Scholz, Pit Schultz, Susan Schuppli, Stevphen Shukaitis, Femke Snelting, Telekommunisten, Tiziana Terranova, Eugene Thacker, Nathaniel Tkacz, Marina Vishmidt, McKenzie Wark, and The Yes Men.
The book series template is designed by Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey and implemented by Mark Simmonds, and the covers derived from Multi by David Reinfurt. Each book in the series takes a still from the Multi gif animation and combines this with a distinctive colour. Books are developed through a peer-review process, and are available for free (PDF download) and for sale in print (POD) or ebook (ePUB). For more information see
Available for purchase worldwide through most online bookstores.
To contribute to the series, please contact Geoff Cox or Joasia Krysa
Advisory Board
- Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - Simon Fraser University
- Matthew Fuller - Goldsmiths, University of London
- Olga Goriunova - Royal Holloway, University of London
- Michał Krzyżanowski - University of Liverpool
- Lars Bang Larsen - Moderna Museet, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Anya Lewin - University of Plymouth
- Mae-Ling Lokko - Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute
- Søren Pold - Aarhus University
- The Serving Library (Francesca Bertolotti-Bailey, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, David Reinfurt) - Liverpool
- Nishant Shah - ArtEZ University of the Arts
- Stevphen Shukaitis - Essex Business School, University of Essex
- Magda Tyżlik-Carver - Aarhus University
- Christian Ulrik Andersen - Aarhus University