Critical Climate Change

Editors Tom Cohen and Claire Colebrook

The era of climate change involves the mutation of systems beyond 20th century anthropomorphic models and has stood, until recently, outside representation or address. Understood in a broad and critical sense, climate change concerns material agencies that impact on biomass and energy, erased borders and microbial invention, geological and nanographic time, and extinction events. The possibility of extinction has always been a latent figure in textual production and archives; but the current sense of depletion, decay, mutation and exhaustion calls for new modes of address, new styles of publishing and authoring, and new formats and speeds of distribution. As the pressures and re-alignments of this re-arrangement occur, so must the critical languages and conceptual templates, political premises and definitions of ‘life.’ There is a particular need to publish in timely fashion experimental monographs that redefine the boundaries of disciplinary fields, rhetorical invasions, the interface of conceptual and scientific languages, and geomorphic and geopolitical interventions. Critical Climate Change is oriented, in this general manner, toward the epistemo-political mutations that correspond to the temporalities of terrestrial mutation.

Available for purchase worldwide through most online bookstores.

“The Critical Climate Change series is at the frontier of new developments in theoretical and practical thinking. The world is changing so rapidly and in so many interconnected ways that theory has only begun to make the innovative responses demanded. The two distinguished editors of this series are seeking manuscripts that will respond creatively to climate meltdowns, global political and economic meltdowns, and new teletechnologies, in their complex interrelations. The series is a bold and timely enterprise.”
J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine

To contribute to the series, please contact Tom Cohen and Claire Colebrook

Advisory Board

  • Rosi Braidotti – Centre for Humanities at Utrecht University
  • Eduardo Cadava – Princeton University
  • Richard Doyle – Penn State University
  • Timothy Clark – Durham University
  • Carrie Hritz – Penn State University
  • J. Hillis Miller – UC Irvine
  • Timothy Morton – Rice University
  • Jami Weinstein – University of Linkoping
  • Min Zhou – Shanghai International Studies University
