Low Latencies
Editors Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter

How to forge concepts with explanatory power that strikes the social and technical conditions of our time? This is the core question that motivates this book series. Low latencies kill time. Whether it is high frequency trading in automated capital markets or the monitoring of labour and inventory in logistical worlds, low latencies index the optimization of speed required to outwit competition with faster transportation of data packets in computational environments. The term low latencies also registers a certain melancholia that infects the circuits of the social brain, calibrating bodies and minds to the contingencies of machine time and the patterns of data’s correlation engines. Contributions to the Low Latencies series seek to turn the absorption of despair into a powerful critique of contemporary political and economic life.
Series editors: Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter
Advisory Board
- Armin Beverungen – Leuphana University
- Manuela Bojadzijev – Humboldt University Berlin
- Sean Cubitt – University of Melbourne
- Anthony Fung – Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Orit Halpern – Technische Universität Dresden
- Rolien Hoyng – Lancaster University
- Joyce C. H. Liu – National Chiao Tung University
- Shannon Mattern – The New School
- Sandro Mezzadra – Bologna University
- Anna Munster – University of New South Wales
- Jussi Parikka – Aarhus University and the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague
- Jack Qiu – National University of Singapore
- Ravi Sundaram – Sarai, Centre for the Study of Developing Democracies
- Nathaniel Tkacz – Goldsmiths, University of London
- Susan Zieger – University of California, Riverside