
Science / Technology

With Foucault, Derrida, Lacan, Luhmann, Maturana and Varela, von Foerster, and many others, the humanities celebrate a rich tradition of engaging and sharing critical paradigms with science and technology. Collaborate in an online community that seeks to explore, discuss and better understand these connections, furthering this tradition.


Notes on Turbidity (The Bay as It Is)

I. The Turbidity of Classification Turbid. Latin turbidus confused, turbid, from turba, confusion, crowd, probably from Greek tyrbē, confusion. Measuring turbidity, defined as the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid, is relatively straightforward. Submerge a Secchi […]

Sep, 23

Freedom in the Wake of Autonomous Driving

President Barack Obama was the first guest in the seventh season of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, which aired on December 30, 2015. The highly successful web series usually hosts […]

May, 23

Norbert’s Nightmares: On Zombie Wars, with a Nod to Cybernetics

There is no homeostasis whatsoever. We are in the business of cycles of booms and failure, in the successions of dictatorship and revolution, in wars which everyone loses, which are so real […]

Aug, 15

Tesla’s Model 3 as Ikon of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

March 31, 2016: Around the world people are queuing in front of Tesla stores in order to reserve a Model 3 for a $1000.00 US deposit—without knowing basic facts about the car, […]

Jul, 09

Unpacking my Kindle™

The packaging is unassuming—a low black box with a single beveled facet. But the promise encoded in the tablet inside is prodigious! Up to 1100 books stored and on demand in the […]

Jul, 30

How Not to Disappear in America: Notes on a Panel on Human Rights and Video Technology

  One could be excused for thinking that the panel discussion convened this Thursday in San Francisco around the future of human rights and media technology would focus on tools for evading […]

Feb, 27

Seeing Spam: On the Logic of Permeable Binaries

On Christmas Day 2013, the New York Times printed “An Ode to Spam” by long-time columnist Gail Collins. In her article Collins presents some of the gems that she found on her […]

Jan, 22

Lively Artifacts

Last month’s New York Times article, “Apps that Know What You Want Before You Do,” references “predictive searching” as the devil of our future relationship with technology.  And yet, the distress of […]

Aug, 26

Of Phantom Limbs and Foreign Bodies: Reentering the BCL

In the summer of 1975, as his Biological Computer Laboratory (BCL) at the University of Illinois shut down its functions and he faced the prospect of an unwanted retirement, 63-year-old Heinz von […]

May, 12

Call/Appel/征集/Ruf—for Submissions

    Feedback is a weblog publication of Open Humanities Press, a community of critics dedicated to writing at the generative interfaces between established disciplinary, institutional, and social territories and protocols. The […]

Apr, 29


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