How do we function as academics in an environment where extreme free-market capitalism has become the driving force of higher education? Where the humanities are being eroded away under the knife of neoliberalism and vocational training?
The question, in a nutshell, faced by New York Times opinion writers of remarkable diversity at the midterm reboot runs as follows: how do the Democrats retrofit their arguments such that they […]
We live in an age when feedback loops—among which number critique—have reached so rapid a rate of acceleration that they coincide with and to some degree even anticipate the events ostensibly precipitating […]
Exceptionality rules every attempt to narrativize the history or culture of the states (or quasi-national entities) making up the Balkans. And in this respect, Romania is no exception. Romania is the “Balkan” […]
The following is an excerpt is taken from the book, Neoliberalism, Education, Terrorism: Contemporary Dialogues, co-authored by Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Henry A. Giroux, Kenneth J. Saltman and Sophia A. McClennen. It is offered […]
When Starbucks announced in June that the company would offer many of its employees a discounted online college education through Arizona State University, social theorists, business analysts, and education commentators quickly weighed […]
Feedback is a weblog publication of Open Humanities Press, a community of critics dedicated to writing at the generative interfaces between established disciplinary, institutional, and social territories and protocols. The […]
Feedback is a weblog publication of the critical theory community. It is the current expression of a network of readers, scholars, and critics that has dedicated itself for some decades already to […]
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