
Film & TV

Given the long tradition of montage between major national and local sites of cine-production, is there any contemporary film not inflected by global and indeed planetary flows, trends, emergences, and catastrophes? Can the televisual role in mediating contemporary culture be overestimated?


McClane, Cultural Myth, Counter-Mythography

At a June 27, 2007 ceremony, Bruce Willis, the famous actor, donated to the Smithsonian the undershirt he sported as NYPD officer John McClane in the first movie of the Die Hard […]

Dec, 16

The “Demonic Precision” of Pictures: Review of Jeremy Scahill’s “Dirty Wars”

The German philosopher of photography Ernst Jünger, who served with distinction during World War I, wrote about the nature of images that they bear a “dangerous precision” in the eyes of the […]

Oct, 09

Looping out of Cinema

Lynch, Hofstadter, and Cybercinematics as Recursive Representation. The digitization of film has taken over cinema: while Avatar was considered a revolution in 2009, digitized worlds in optional 3D by now are a […]

Sep, 17

Hannah Arendt’s Trust in Politics

At the beginning of Margarethe Von Trotta’s recent film, Hannah Arendt, a bus is driving on a gravel road at night. A man with a flashlight comes off the bus. An army […]

Jul, 22

The Platonic Academy (On the Oscars and Contemporary Biopics)

Despite the allegedly minor status of the genre, a very high number of Oscars have gone to actors and actresses engaged in biopic performances in recent years. These biographical reenactments are regarded […]

Jun, 16

Call/Appel/征集/Ruf—for Submissions

    Feedback is a weblog publication of Open Humanities Press, a community of critics dedicated to writing at the generative interfaces between established disciplinary, institutional, and social territories and protocols. The […]

Apr, 29


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